
Buy and sell used clothes and things in Yreka, second-hand stores in Yreka

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Here you will find a list of shops second-hand city Yreka with addresses and phone numbers


Second hand shop in Yreka, California

At COUNTY OF BUTT ARC, Chico. A non-profit organization that sells quality used clothing and home furnishings or furniture; Powell Broadway (530) 342-2687 (Palo Cedro). Donations go to castration / castration / return of animals from the trap - for sterilization under special animal assistance programs from Friends to Chance (360-243-000) for each month of stay the animal has the opportunity to apply online after receiving a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 according to US safety certifications

Tyhurst said future plans include creating a network of foster families for animals. He added: “The plans are to create a network of shelters and help people place pets,” writes Technologies, citing a statement by the board of directors of the SHS organization about how they treat animals in terms of human safety. The organization is currently not accepting new dogs or cats due to the COVID-19 pandemic (outbreak). Employees can call 530-926-428 or leave a message through the company's website after the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.